Free Hand Lettered Printable Calendars
Get a head start on planning for the new year with these free printable calendars, hand lettered and created for you by yours truly.

I think I can safely say that we all are ready to usher in the new year after the dumpster fire that has been 2020. I always like to have a calendar hanging up in my office so I can look up quickly and know what day it is and what is coming up. I’m sure you are the same way!
I also like simple and a minimalistic look, so I created these very simple modern hand-lettered calendars for 2021 that you can print off. There’s a Sunday start version and a Monday start version, depending on how you like to start your weeks. I prefer Monday starts, but for many in the United States, the weeks start on Sunday.

Either way you choose, these are FREE to you from me. Just a little thank you for choosing to hang out with me in 2020, and a cheers to hanging out more in 2021! A quick note that these calendars are blank (not numbered), and are for personal use only.
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