My 2020 Bullet Journal Set Up {Video}

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A brief overview of my personal 2020 bullet journal set up and video. Warning: this post is photo heavy!

hello 2020 bullet journal cover

Don’t have time to read or prefer to watch a video instead? I posted a quick flip through of my bullet journal set up for 2020. Watch below:

My 2020 Bullet Journal Set Up

The Notebook

blank journal over head

This year, I decided to ditch the Lemome that I used for last year’s bujo and instead went with a slightly cheaper notebook I found at Walmart. The brand is Exceed, and there are several sizes and types of these journals. The specific one I am using is an A5 size, dotted with 100GSM paper. They have a few different sizes and styles available as well. The price point was what intrigued me the most. At less than $9 this is a great, inexpensive bullet journal choice!

bullet journal pen test page

The cons to this notebook? The pages are a little on the thinner side, especially since I am used to the 120gsm of the Lemome notebook. It doesn’t bother me much as I don’t use markers that tend to bleed anyway. If you plan to use watercolor in your bullet journal for 2020, this is probably not the notebook for you. Another thing I don’t enjoy is that the paper is pretty yellow. Especially compared to my bright white cover! Again, it’s not a deal breaker for me, but if you like crisp white pages then this notebook is not for you.

To see what pens I prefer to use in my bullet journal, check out this post on my favorite bullet journaling supplies.

What’s inside my 2020 bullet journal?


The notebook I am using came with an index already, so there was no set up involved. I love that I don’t have to worry about running out of space as the index is 5 pages long. All of the pages are pre numbered as well so it makes recording in the Index easy.

Pen Test and Legend

pen test and legend spread

This spread is pretty straight forward. I like to do a pen test in any new journal to make sure the pens I’ll be using will not bleed through the pages. Some may ghost and that doesn’t bother me, but luckily none of the pens bled through. For this year’s pen test, I actually tested all.the.pens I have in my office.

The legend is necessary for a bullet journal so you can keep track of what symbols mean, and colors if you will be color coding.

Grid Spacing and 2020 Cover

Hello 2020 cover and grid spacing cheat sheet view

This isn’t a necessary spread for every bullet journal, but it has already been so helpful for me! The grid spacing cheat sheet is a handy reference to look back at when you are setting up different spreads. I took inspiration from this pin.

Of course my 2020 bullet journal would not be complete if I didn’t have a “Hello 2020” cover page! I made this simple layout with a helix and multi colored stabilo fine liners.

Hashtags Tracker

2020 bullet journal hashtags tracker

I use my bullet journal for both personal planning and business planning. I have this blog as well as Domestically Creative that I run, so having a place I can refer to for hashtags is so helpful. I’ve written down some of the common ones I use for both blogs.

Master To Do List–Home and business

Master home and business to do list

This is a great way to keep a running list of the things you’d like to get done around your house or even for your business. I did this in last year’s journal and loved it!

Master Brain Dump–Business

Master list of blog post ideas tracker in bullet journal

Having a place to dump out all of my blog post or shop ideas is a must. I used to just jot them down on the closest piece of paper or sticky note and then would promptly lose it. This method helps me keep all the ideas in one spot. If I run out of room, I can just make a second spread!

2020 Year at a Glance

2020 year at a glance

This one is pretty straight forward, just a simple yearly spread to keep track of those holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and other events.

Twenty in 20 and Goals trackers

Twenty in 20 tracker and business goals by quarter

I loved the idea of a “twenty in 20” tracker. Some people were doing 20 things they’d like to do in 2020, but I was more drawn to the idea of 20 recipes to try or 20 pounds to lose in 2020.

The next page has a quarterly goals tracker for my businesses. I need to sit down and do some serious goal planning!

Word of the Year Tracker

2020 word of the year bullet journal spread

If you do a word of the year, I think this is a great way to display it. One side is your word of the year written in different colors and styles. The next page has reasons why you chose that word and what you can do in your life to hone in on it. I chose the word Focus for 2020 because I think it’s going to be a very busy year for me, and I tend to get distracted very easily.

Social Stats Tracker

Social stats tracker for business in bullet journal

I like to track my social stats every month so I can see what progress I am making. Setting up a tracker in my bullet journal is a great way to keep the numbers in the same place so I can see month to month where I am improving.

Editorial Calendar

bullet journal editorial calendar

If you are a blogger, you have probably heard of an editorial calendar. This is a calendar of blog posts you have planned, or even of what content will be searched for and popular for that month or season. I like using cut up post it notes for this because sometimes plans change. I hate how much white out stands out on the yellow paper! A sticky note is easy to replace if my plans change.

Level 10 Life

Level 10 life

I have seen a lot of different versions of a level 10 life spread and this is my first year doing one. We’ll see how it goes. The basic concept is to come up with 8-12 (or really any number) of categories of your life. You can see mine on the right side of the spread. Think about how satisfied you are with that area on a scale of 1-10 (be very honest). Then come up with a goal of where you’d like that number to be by the end of the year. Assign a color to each category and draw up a chart to correspond with those numbers. At the end of the year (or quarter?) you’ll sit down and honestly see how things are going. You can do a quick search on Pinterest or Google to see more trackers and info about the Level 10 Life.

Habit Tracker for January

January habit tracker

There are so many options for habit trackers and tons of habits to track! For me I am focusing on a few and will have a tracker for each month.

And that is my 2020 bullet journal set up in a nutshell! Whew, this was a long read for sure but hopefully you’re taking away some ideas to implement in your own bullet journal!


Read also:

Don’t forget to pin it for later!

2020 bullet journal set up, long pin

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