2021 Business Bullet Journal {Video}
A quick overview of how I set up my 2021 bullet journal for business productivity and growth! This layout includes several social media trackers, business growth trackers, and income trackers. Let’s check it out!

If you would like to watch the 2 and 1/2 minute video flip through of my 2021 business bullet journal instead, watch it on Youtube below.
New to bullet journaling? Read my post on how to start a bullet journal!

My 2021 Bullet Journal for Business
Supplies Used:
- Pen+Gear Hard Cover Journal 9.5″ x 7.5″ (this one is similar)
- Tombow TwinTone Brights
- Sakura Pigma Micron Pens
- Metal Ruler
- Zebra Pencil
- Eraser
- Zebra Mildliner Highlighters
- Zebra Mildliner Brush Pens
I decided to use a slightly bigger journal this year, as I found that I had a hard time fitting everything I wanted on the smaller A5 size. The exact journal I picked up several months ago from Walmart so it’s no longer available. This one is similar but is not as big as the one I’m using. It does come with a few stencils and a pen loop, which is nice to have! Plus what’s not to love about the price?

What I really like about this notebook besides the size, is the crisp white paper. That may sound like an odd thing to love, but I really disliked the yellow paper in my 2020 bullet journal. Not only was it hard to photograph, but if I needed to use white-out, the white stuck out like a sore thumb. It’s still noticeable in this journal, but not nearly as bad.
The paper is also fairly thick. I would estimate it to be around 120gsm like the Lemome notebooks. That means I can use just about any type of pen in this journal without a lot of bleed through. I did experience a small amount of bleed through with a gray Zebra Mildliner when I went over one area twice. There was also minimal ghosting with the 05 and 08 Micron Pens.

What’s inside my 2021 Business Bullet Journal
- Key
- Password Tracker
- Hashtag List
- Year at a Glance
- Word of the Year
- 21 in ’21 tracker
- Quarterly Goals tracker
- Master To-Do List
- Master Blog Idea Dump
- Social Media Growth Tracker
- Income and Sessions Tracker
- Etsy Tracker
- Youtube Tracker
- Pinterest Planner and Trends
- Dutch Door Weekly Spread
Over the last 2 years of bullet journaling, I’ve found what pages I do and do not use. One of the pages or spreads I don’t typically use is the index. I decided to leave it out of this year’s bullet journal. I did include a simple key to keep track of the symbols I use in my dailies.

Password Tracker
Ok, so maybe you really shouldn’t be writing your passwords down in your bullet journal on the off chance you lose it. I get it. However, I work from home and my bullet journal typically stays right on my desk. Also, I tend to think it’s probably safer to keep my passwords this way rather than in a password vault that could have the potential to be hacked. Just my two cents! Anyway, I have had a password tracker in every one of my bullet journals. And yes, I will fill up this entire two-page spread because there are a lot of accounts involved with running a business!

Hashtag List
The hashtag list is another spread I’ve had in all of my bullet journals and it’s very handy! I use Tailwind’s Instagram tool to find the best hashtags to use with my content. Since I have two very different accounts, I track several categories of hashtags.

Year at a Glance
The year at a glance is a given in most bullet journals. I like to keep mine very minimal without a lot of fuss. I mostly use it as a reference for when I’m setting up my monthly calendars. I can quickly look to see who has a birthday, or what holidays and events are coming up that month.

Word of the Year
Do you have a word of the year? It’s something I started doing when I started bullet journaling. In 2019 my word was “purpose”, 2020 was “focus” and this year’s word is “grow”. I like to write down the why, what, and how of my chosen word of the year, so at the end of the year I can reflect back on my mindset.

21 in ’21 Tracker
This is a tracker that I used in my 2020 bullet journal, but with the dumpster fire that was 2020, I really lost sight of keeping up with it. So I did a 21 in ’21 tracker this year to see if I can finish it! The only one I’m worried about is the weight loss because this girl really likes her food!

Quarterly Goals Tracker
I like to set business goals every year for each quarter. This helps me think about big picture goals, and then break them down into more manageable chunks. Then in my monthly spreads, I will write down three goals for the month that are broken down even further. This method helps me not lose focus of the bigger goals when they are broken down step by step.

Master To-Do List
Another favorite spread of mine is to have a master to-do list! I keep both a home projects to-do list and a business to-do list in my bullet journal. The home projects are broken down into “big”, “small” and “dream” categories. This helps me keep track of what needs to get done, as well as things I’d like to do if budget and time allows.
The business to-do list includes a section for each of my blogs, as well as my Etsy shop. There are always little maintenance tasks that need to be done, but I will also write down things I’d like to do to each.

Master Blog Post Idea Dump
Similar to the master to-do list, the master brain dump is where I write down any and all blog posts or Etsy shop ideas I have. That way I don’t have random sticky notes or scraps of paper with brainstorming lists on them. Each idea is kept in a safe place and can be easily referenced as needed.

Social Media Tracker
I’ve always kept track of my social media followers so at the end of the year I could look back to see where I started and where I ended. This year though I want to take my growth tracking a little bit further. This social media growth tracker will track my growth in various social platforms in an easier to follow graph.

Income and Sessions Tracker
The sessions and income used to be tracked with my social media growth, but this year I’ve separated it all out. One of my business goals for 2021 is to diversify my income. Right now most of my income comes from the ads you see on this website. Well, I personally find them super annoying and I’d love to be able to reduce them. However to do that I need to focus on other avenues of income. I’m hoping the tracker will help me pick up trends!

Etsy Tracker
One thing I haven’t done in the past is track my Etsy growth and trends I see in sales. This simple monthly tracker will help me do just that. I plan to track the number of sales, as well as average sale, new listings, and top sellers each month.

Youtube Tracker
Another goal of mine for 2021 is to grow my Youtube presence. I’d love to get to 1000 subscribers by the end of the year! (shameless plug to go subscribe if you haven’t already!) This tracker will track subscribers, new videos posted, and how many minutes have been watched. I also included a section to write down any video ideas that come to mind.

Pinterest Planner and Trends
The Pinterest plan and trends tracker is also a new spread this year. Pinterest can sometimes be a giant pain in the you know what for me. I feel like I’m constantly trying to stay on top of what is “trending” and creating new pins for old content. This tracker will help me keep track of trends for each month (Pinterest releases these at the end of the year) and plan what content to freshen up or create new pins for. That way I can get ahead of the trends!

Dutch Door Weekly Spread
Nothing fun or fancy with my monthly spread. I always keep the calendar spread simple with a title and a side section to show what is going on for the month. New this year though is a dutch door-style weekly spread. Check out some other ideas for weekly spreads here.

Thank you to my friend Gadis from Made by Mutiara for sharing her bullet journal setup. She inspired me to try this layout for January to see how I like it! Make sure you go watch her 2021 setup video.

This dutch door style features a box for each day of the week, but with the top section cut out for each subsequent week in the month. This way I can see what is going on for the week I’m on, but also keep track of my monthly habits all in one place. I find that I am terrible at actually filling in my habit trackers, but I’m hoping that will change if everything is on the same page.

Some of the habits I’ll be tracking are no soda days, stretching/yoga, and posting to Instagram. I also included a little mood tracker, as well as water, sleep, and heart medication symbols to fill in each day. We’ll see how disciplined I can be with this setup. I have high hopes!
So that’s my 2021 bullet journal for business setup! Whew, that was a lot I know. I hope you are taking away some great ideas to implement in your own bullet journal!

Looking for Supplies?
Check out my Amazon Storefront where I’ve saved all of the products I use in my projects. These are all supplies that I use and would recommend!
More Bullet Journal Ideas:
- Bullet Journal Cleaning Schedule Ideas
- 5 Myths About Bullet Journaling
- Favorite Bullet Journal Supplies Perfect for Beginners
- Why I Switched to a Bullet Journal vs. Happy Planner
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